Typing errors as a diagnostic tool
Can typing errors tell us about neurological disorders?
Updated: 2012-11-29 Views: 7748
Podcast List
Since I now have a much longer commute to work, I needed some extra stuff to listen to on the way to and from work. I found this with some entertaining and informative podcasts. Here are some links.
Updated: 2012-09-05 Views: 10693
So What is Wrong with Eugenics Anyway?
This is a transcript of a talk I did for the Pod Delusion Live event at QEDcon 2011. I argue that we should not be scared of discussing the issue of eugenics. Why? Read on...
Updated: 2011-02-23 Views: 6952
Popping Next Door: A Mission to Gliese 581
Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star, and host to a system of extrasolar planets. It's also very close, astronomically speaking. So could we "pop next door" and visit the neighbours?
Updated: 2010-11-02 Views: 6631
Discover Creation
A Review of Richard Dawkins's Talk "Discover Creation", 20 February 1997, Kenton Theatre, Henley-on-Thames, Berkshire, UK
Updated: 2006-01-17 Views: 8361
The Case for Space
Getting to space is expensive and dangerous at present. Wouldn't we be better off not bothering at all?
Updated: 2006-01-16 Views: 7390
Statocyst Evolution
An outline of the possible evolution of the statocyst, a balance organ found in many marine organisms.
Updated: 2006-01-16 Views: 12695